(WAVY) — Starting January 1, over 200,000 Virginians will have health coverage after the long efforts by Northam for Medicaid Expansion. This comes just months after Open Enrollment began on November 1. 

 “This bipartisan initiative has empowered men and women across the Commonwealth to take an active role in improving their health,” said Governor Northam.  

The plan allows those between the ages 19 and 64, who are not eligible for Medicare and meet income requirements, to have access to a form of medical care.

The Governor gave an example stating, “A single adult with an annual income at or below $16,754 may be eligible for coverage. An adult in a three-person family with a total household annual income at or below $28,677 may be eligible.”

Applications for Medicaid are accepted year round. For more information on Medicaid options and eligibility, click here

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Gov. Northam says Medicaid has more than 200,000 enrolled – 8News