A selection of opinions on health care from around the country.

A Scary Obamacare Mystery 
Conservatives should acknowledge that the coverage expansion is real, it is large (though not as large as we were led to expect), and that while it is not necessarily going to make people much healthier, it is probably going to reduce financial hardship among at least some of the people who have gained coverage…Liberals, however, should also acknowledge uncomfortable facts. The first is that most of the decrease in the uninsured population came in 2014 and 2015, and is now leveling off. (Megan McArdle, 9/8)

Modern Healthcare:
An Important Data Point Within The Latest CDC Health Insurance Numbers
Even though the Affordable Care Act has stumbled lately, with large national insurers drastically reducing their footprints in the marketplaces, it’s difficult to ignore how the law has greatly decreased the number of people who don’t have health …
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Viewpoints: Examining The Health Law’s Insurance Coverage Expansion; Donald Trump’s Medicaid Plan